
Sunday 29 May 2016

2016-05-29 Kogelberg Trail, Kleinmond, South Africa

Kogelberg Trail with the HIKING CAPERS

Kogelberg Nature Reserve

Considered by many to be the most beautiful of CapeNature’s protected areas, Kogelberg Nature Reserve earns that reputation largely to the fact that it occupies an area with minimal human interference. Its exceptional diversity and quality of fynbos means it is considered the heart of the Cape Floral Kingdom. The reserve presents perhaps the finest example of mountain fynbos in the Western Cape and is a world-renowned World Heritage Site.

At Kogelberg, a sensitive core of 18 000ha of the reserve has been kept pristine and wild. Here there is much biological diversity and conservation is the priority. Only activities which do not adversely affect natural processes and wildlife are allowed.

If you have driven along the R44 between Rooiels and Kleinmond, you would have marveled at the beauty of the Kogelberg. The reserve’s pristine beauty abounds all year round – during the blazing heat of summer when green is not what you expect, or in rains and mists of winter when torrents of water cascade down rock faces that were bone dry only weeks before.

The whole area is inspirational and one of more than 400 biosphere reserves worldwide. Kogelberg was South Africa’s first registered biosphere reserve and it encompasses the entire coastal area from Gordon’s Bay to the Bot River vlei, and inland to Grabouw and the Groenland Mountain. 

Kogelberg Trail

This is a moderate to long walk along Oudebosch gorge passing through Oudebosch montane forest patch and passing in close proximity to the Platbos and Louw’s bos montane forest patches.

Trail distance:  24km
Estimated time: 8 hours

Trail Preparation: Wear comfortable walking shoes, sunscreen and a hat. Make sure to carry sufficient water and take along your binoculars. In winter, a raincoat/pancho is advised. It is recommended that the trail is started no later than 10h00 in summer and 08h00 in winter.

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